Floura Teeter partnered with Parks & People Foundation on the redesign of the Hamilton Elementary Middle School schoolyard located in northeast Baltimore City and serving over 800 students in grades pre-k to 8. The overall goal for the project was to transform the existing schoolyard into an amenity for the school and benefit the surrounding neighborhood as well.
Project Approach
The design team met with school staff, faculty, and community representatives to understand the various priorities for the new schoolyard; Floura Teeter developed a site plan that could utilize the entire 3-acre campus as a teaching tool. Key components include outdoor classroom space, more and diversified play equipment, field improvements, a campus arboretum, and a walking loop for use by the school and community. A phased approach to implementation provides a roadmap for budgeting improvements—bringing upgrades and fresh enhancements over multiple years.

Parks & People sought to create an enriching space for the children of Hamilton Elementary/Middle School and the adjacent neighborhoods. We were fortunate enough to select Floura Teeter to design a new space that will provide opportunities for education, recreation, and respite. Floura Teeter has elevated our initial goals well beyond what we could have imagined and produced a schoolyard that will inspire for many years to come.
Steve Preston, Parks Construction & Design Manager, Parks & People Foundation